About the size of a crocus bulb. By the way, my tulips bloom right on schedule. Can you help? Hi, Pamela. Competition usually with tree roots , too much shade, not enough water, lack of nutrients — all can affect bloom and bulb vigor. I am wanting to plant daffodils this year- in pots, to aid my grandchildren in spring fundraising.
We live in far Northeast Arkansas, and am wondering if we can plant and have any blooming for two events: Valentines Day and Easter-Palm Sunday. I do not know what planting dates we would need to use for a successful bloom on those dates.
Thank You, Gloria. Hi, Gloria. This might not be the right forum but for several years my camassia has not bloomed.
They just send up leaves. The first two years were great. I always leave the foliage on hoping the bulb will replenish its resources. Any thoughts? Thanks, Mary. Hi, Mary. I know that Camassia prefer moist not wet soil — is the spot maybe drier than they like? They can take a little shade just a little, not darkness! I had some that did well for a few years until shrubs nearby grew bigger and reduced the light and out-competed the bulbs for moisture resources.
Take a sharp trowel and dig out the center of those clumps, replacing with compost. Then, take any surviving bulbs over to a new spot and plant them… even the damaged ones. Your email address will not be published. Post Comment. I totally understand. Or maybe they are growing, but the shoots:. If this is the case, you might be looking at something more serious, like basal rot, a deadly disease caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum var.
Dig up a few bulbs. When you purchase or receive bulbs in the mail, it pays to carefully squeeze each one to check for softness. You do not want softness. Most of the time, bulbs from reputable nurseries will be firm and healthy, whether you buy them in-store or online. The nursery can do its utmost to package the bulbs well, but maladies like delayed shipping or postal snafus can cause the daffodils-to-be to suffer.
These conditions often result in the spread of basal rot. Unfortunately, basal rot can survive in the soil for years. Without these things, your bulbs can experience issues that prevent them from growing or blooming.
Sunshine is also important for blooming. Make no mistake: you can definitely plant your daffodils under trees — as long as the trees are deciduous. Most of the time, daffodils will bloom before the trees get all their leaves, allowing the plants to get adequate sunshine.
And if you accidentally do one of these things or something similar, carefully transplant them to a sunnier, friendlier area. Shop plants rhsplants. Shopping with the RHS.
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Save to My scrapbook. Daffodil blindness. Quick facts. Jump to What is daffodil blindness? Symptoms Control Cause. What is daffodil blindness? Symptoms The foliage of daffodils emerges each year but no flowers are produced.
Control To help avoid blindness, try the following; Always prepare the site well before planting , alleviated compaction, poor drainage, and adding moderate dressings of general fertiliser Select good quality bulbs Plant bulbs at two to three times their depth If planting daffodils in turf , ensure you select cultivars suitable for naturalising such as 'Peeping Tom', 'Fortune' or 'February Gold' Flowers should be removed or pinched off deadheaded as they fade Avoid tidying up the foliage by tying the leaves into a knot; leave them to die down naturally After flowering, leave a period of at least six weeks before leaves are removed or mown In dry conditions after flowering, water thoroughly until the foliage shows signs of dying down naturally Improve dry soil by mulching around the bulbs in early spring with organic matter.
Avoid planting bulbs in very dry areas under turf or near trees. A site that is initially suitable may become less so over several years due to encroaching trees and shrubs, making it more dry and shady Where flowering rapidly declines try feeding the bulbs. Solution: Dig them up and move them to a bed where they get about six hours of sunshine each day.
If you have had an unusually mild winter or you live in the Deep South where the only sure bet is planting paperwhite narcissus, such as Ziva or Galilee, your bulbs may not have had enough cold weather to break dormancy. Solution: Purchase precooled bulbs, or plant your bulbs in containers where they will be more exposed to any cold weather you get. If the leaves were removed prematurely, either by a late freeze or an impatient gardener, the bulbs cannot replenish their energy reserves for the following season.
The may have enough left to grow leaves, but flowering will have to wait until they gain strength. Solution: Fertilize bulb beds from late fall to early spring with a slow-release fertilizer, such as , at the rate recommended on the package.
Then let foliage remain until it begins to yellow and flop over.