The cells with values greater than are now colored green, and cells less than 20 are blue. A drop-down menu will appear to click Highlight Cell Rules and then choose Equal to. In the Equal to the window, you have to delete the value that appears in the box, and then select the cell in this example C3 cell or a specific value in our case To auto-fill a cell with color in Excel given that it has text in it you can achieve this by applying conditional formatting and selecting a Rule Type for your range of values.
Select the range of cells for your data, like A1:A Remember to give reference of the only 1st cell of your selected range of cells. You will get all the text values in your selected range of cells to be filled with your desired color scheme.
To highlight entire rows of cells containing the specific text, value or just be blank with the Conditional Formatting command in Excel, you can do as following:. Select the purchase table without its column headings. And this formula can only find out cells only containing the specific text or value. Now the Format Cells dialog box is opening. Go to the Fill tab, specify a background color, and click the OK button.
If you apply a conditional format to one or more cells and want to apply that format to other data on your worksheet, use Format Painter to copy the conditional formatting to that data. Click on the cell that has the conditional formatting you want to copy. To paste the conditional formatting, drag the paintbrush across the cells or ranges of cells you want to format. There are multiple ways you can specify the conditional format in a cell.
You can even apply conditional format on one cell based on other cells criteria. The conditional format can also be applied to the whole row or column. For a customized solution to your specific problem, you can try our Excel expert help service using this link. It will save you hours of searching online and our expert will solve your problem in a minute session.
The first question is free. Are you still looking for help with Conditional Formatting? View our comprehensive round-up of Conditional Formatting tutorials here. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Connect anytime to free, instant, live Expert help by installing the Chrome extension Add Excelchat to Chrome. Quick Excel Help. You have to make sure that you copy a cell but only paste the conditional formatting rules in that cell and not everything else such as the value or the formula.
And to make sure you only copy and paste the conditional formatting, you need to use Paste Special. Suppose you have a dataset as shown below where I have conditional formatting applied to column B the Math score so that all the cells that have the value more than 80 get highlighted.
Now, what if I want to apply the same conditional formatting rule to the second column for Physics score os that all the cells above 80 are highlighted in green. The above steps would copy the conditional formatting from column B and apply it to the selected cells in column C.
One thing to remember when using Paste Special to copy conditional formatting is that it will copy all the formatting. So if there is any border in the cells or if the text has been made bold, etc. Format painter is a tool that allows you to copy the format from a cell or range of cells and paste it. And since conditional formatting is also a part of the formatting, you can also use format painter to copy and then paste it.
Suppose you have a dataset as shown below where I have conditional formatting applied to the Math score column so that all the cells that have the value more than 80 get highlighted. Below are the steps to use format painter to copy conditional formatting from the Math score column and apply it to the Physics score column:.
Pro tip: In case you want to copy the conditional formatting and paste it on multiple cells or ranges that you can not select at one go , click on the Format painter icon twice.
That will keep the format painter active and you can paste the formatting multiple times unless you hit the Escape key. Table of contents. Sign up for more articles like this. Thank you! Your submission has been received! Recommended articles This is some text inside of a div block. This is some text inside of a div block. September 15, Suscribe to get more data and analytics tips!
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