Where is area code 01249

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By entering the full number we will be able to tell you which company operates the number. This Area Code was introduced as a result of changes which came into effect as a result of phONEday in April when Ofcom formerly Oftel was charged with overseeing an capacity increase in the UK telephone network.

Ofcom used the opportunity to introduce a structured numbering scheme to the UK telephone network which included the use of primary indicators such as 07 for mobile and 09 for premium rate calling, allowing callers to understand what costs they might be incurring when the call a given number. If you have arrived at this site because you are having one of those " what number is this? Legitimate companies will no longer contact you unless you have explicitly opted in to receiving calls from them.

It is possible to register a private residence's number as well as business telephone numbers. It may also be an option to look at a few of those who called on this number? Whilst it is important to recognise that this information contributed by the general public and as such may not be accurate these sites do provide a lot of information about the numbers and the types of products and scams the caller might be getting up to, allowing you to be on your guard.

Legitimate organisations will never call you and ask you for usernames, passwords and other sensitive information over the phone. This varies country to country, followed by the UK country code 44 followed by the area code without the initial zero Before the 16th April known as PhONEday which changed telephone area codes by inserting a 1 at the beginning. The area code was The first two characters are taken from the letters C and H in CHippenham.

On an old rotary dial telephone this was entered by dialling the numbers 2, 4 and 9. The shaded area on the map represent the estimated extent of the Chippenham phone area code. The blue icons on the map represent the locations of telephone exchanges serving the area. Click on an icon for more details.

Toggle navigation geopunk. The Chippenham Area Code Chippenham Dialling Code The area code is a 4 digit geographical dialling code excluding the zero used in telecommunications for the Chippenham area. The local telephone numbers within the are 6 digits long.


  • 1000 / 1000