Get in the lava rider and find the lava pump. X accelerates, Square brakes. Drive along the perimeter of the area counterclockwise. Eventually you will find the island on which the lava pump sits. Get out of your lava rider, ignoring the bugs and lava monsters and repair the pump using the exchanger.
To do this, just walk up to the pump on the little path and press X when prompted. Go back into the lava rider, killing the bugs if necessary.
Return to the entrance of the level in the lava rider there is no need to return the lava rider to the gnome mechanic. They are called off by the guardian of the lava fields. He mentions that his pets are just antsy ever since they encountered the huge orc. Apparently they attacked it but had no effect whatsoever. He expresses doubts as to whether it was really an orc after all. He has reopened the passage to the caverns of the fallen. Descend into the caverns.
As you go down the tunnel, you meet Tenya Froes - the little girl whose father asked you to rescue her. She is looking for her kitties. She doesn't seem to be worried about her predicament and agrees to consider a return to the surface only on the condition that you find her kittens for her.
Move past her and come to an area with a save point and several possible paths. There is a passage downward here but it is not yet accessible. The area has five branches. Follow each one until you find her kitten. Each is inhabited by strange squirmy creatures that are quite creepy. Be careful if you think you have killed one. Often they are just faking it and require another hit after they get up to try to hurt you again.
Once you find a kitty, it will follow you without fail. Just work your way back to the center and Tenya. Talking to her before triggering a cutscene has caused my game to glitch so that I have returned her cat yet she doesn't think I have. Quite annoying. So make sure to let her talk to you when returning a kitty.
There are five cats to return. Once you find them, she agrees to go back up to the surface. Make sure to talk to her father when you resurface here. Descend into the lower level - what I think is one of the most fun levels in the entire game.
There is a portal here. You will see a cutscene with an unknown woman. Follow the path along, killing the various enemies. This area consists of groups of enemies fighting each other in a Dantesque image of the inferno. Wade into each of these mini-skirmishes and kill all on either side.
As soon as you appear, they will both turn on you anyway. Often these battles are localized near catapults but this entire area should be swept clean as these battles are great fonts of experience. If you gate scroll back to the shop, you will see a short cutscene showing the gnome saying that the ship is ready to sail. Proceed along, killing all of the groups of enemies until you come to a save point. Boss: Undead Knight Past the save point you will enter a room with a ton of undead enemies all chanting and clanging their weapons.
They surround you and follow you. If you can stay out in front of the pack you can pick away at them. Just have patience. If you stand and fight, you will almost certainly either die or use up enough of your health potions that the next part will be quite difficult. Once you defeat the undead army, confront the undead knight. He has a doppelganger fiery shadow knight who appears next to you should the real knight get too far away. He is very fast and quite deadly. I find it hard to not die here.
Once you beat the undead knight, the drawbridge to the castle lowers and you can enter. Enter the castle of Lord Vanarhost II. The castle is randomly generated so a schematic walkthrough would be useless here. The basic idea is to go through all of the rooms killing every enemy you find we have a theme developing here.
As you enter the castle there are more of the wriggly strange creatures from the first level of the caverns of the fallen where Tenya Froes was caught looking for her kitties. Later, there are archers and other undead similar to those found on the second level of the Caverns of the Fallen. Go through all the rooms and break all of the large pitchers. This is largely fruitless but is satisfying and you'll gain some gold.
You will reach a room with Sylea, a vampiress She is very interested in your heartbeat and is hungry for it.
She reveals that she knows that you are after the Orc Leader Pelys and offers to help you for a price. Her price is not blood. She has no wish to sink her fangs into any mortal like a parasite.
She wants to fight her urges lest she become like all the rest of the beasts. She needs a bloodvine Bring her bloodvine and in return she will lead you to Pelys.
Up the small flight of stairs is a jail. Head through the jail and follow the pathway until you reach the outside. This path is inhabited by more of the squirmy creatures from the early part of the castle.
If you need to use a gate scroll, you will need to be inside. The outside part is in the same level as the store and will transport you accidentally to wherever you last used a gate scroll. Back in Blackdelve Reach, follow the pathway along until you reach the shore. More squirmy things here.
Though there are two paths here, ignore the leftmost and go down to the shore as soon as possible. If you happen to make the wrong decision and end up on the other dock you will realize it and just turn around and try to find the stairway down to the beach. Once on the beach, go onto the leftmost dock the right one is short with a few crates and follow it around two right turns to a small island containing the bloodvine. Pick it up and go back to Sylea.
As you return through the jail you will trigger a short cutscene featuring a prisoner Babik Nurn. He says that while it could be worse he could be dead , he thinks that Vanarhost wants him to guide him into the Pitt of Ill Omen.
He says that if you free him, he will lead you anywhere. Even into the pit itself. However, the key isn't with him so you must go find it. Go back and talk to Sylea. She is happy you have brought the bloodvine and eats it sensually in front of you.
She says she is in your debt and will lead you to Pelys who is meeting with Lord Vanarhost She leads you to a window where you can observe the meeting in silence. Pelys has brought some potential victims to Vanarhost in exchange for undead soldiers for his master with which he is planning to wage war. It becomes clear that Vanarhost also suspects Saylea of betraying him.
The corridor follows the water line and contains more wrigglers. Go along this next to the water, of course killing any enemies, until you reach a door going up to the castle. Miniboss: Feasting Fume [May be a different name] As you enter the room, there will be more undead archers and a scythe wielding death-looking enemy. Kill the outlying undead and don't worry about facing him quite yet. Once you have a clear space in which to face him, ignore his entourage and just work on killing him.
After he is dead, clean out the rest of the undead in the room and move on. Keep following the corridor. Miniboss: The Nameless [May be a different name] More of the same Follow the corridors until you reach a save point. He glides towards you and chides you for being too slow and mentions that he has known of your presence in his castle for quite some time.
He had allowed you to live but says you reek of the overworld and isn't interested in feasting on you Instead you will be a good meal for his nosferatu. The floor drops out from under you and you are left to contend with a horde of swarming nosferatu. Your task is to kill them and find a way out. This first task is a matter of just staying alive and killing as many as possible. Surviving the initial onslaught is the hardest thing. Make liberal use of your health and mana potions here until you can handle the remaining vampires.
Once you have killed the initial charge, the rest of the level involves more of the same following the path and killing the enemies. This path is darker and the treasure chests are coffins. THe vampires agile, hard to hit as they jump out of your way as you try to hit them. Finally you will reach the passageway up to the castle. There is now a big hole in the floor There will be an unexplored path to the right.
After breaking all of the pots in the room, follow it. You will face undead and nosferatu Now you will face a series of minibosses similar to those you faced earlier. The strategy for each is the same as before; the list follows.
Between, there are nosferatu and undead to deal with. Go through the corridors clearing all of them out. There will be several walls easily seen by the "What is this" dialogue and the fact that they show up in the map mini boss: Shadow Delve [May be a different name] mini boss: The Nameless [May be a different name] mini boss: Skarn the Dread [May be a different name] mini boss: Shadow Delve [May be a different name] Hidden Miniboss: Dwelling Shade [May be a different name] After the hidden miniboss, you will find yourself in the room in which you first met Sylea.
There is a save point here. Save and stock up on potions. Lord Vanarhost is next. As soon as you set foot into the room you will be attacked by a host of archers. After you kill them, re-save in the event that you are killed by Vanarhost.
Boss: Lord Vanarhost Go into the only open door and confront Vanarhost He notes that you killed his nosferatu but isn't very concerned about it. He also says that you the first in over a century to stand defiant before the lord of vampires.
The battle then commences. A good strategy is to deal out as much damage as possible until he hits you with his sword. Once he does this, you will be knocked down and he will continue to hit you. Keep using potions and trying to get up and get away. Once you can get away from him, you can keep him away from you by hiding in the sets of columns that occupy the corners of the room.
His AI isn't great and he can't really get in there that easily. You should be able to stay in there until your health and mana are replenished. He is also able to teleport to elsewhere in the room. Once he disappears, try to keep moving as he might come down on you and slice you. If he starts hitting you multiple times, it is difficult to heal fast enough and get away. Once you deplete his life, he crows over you and says that he cannot die Sylea sticks a knife into his back.
She says "Betrayed. A life for a life, overworlder. Our blood debts are even. Take the key and leave, saving at the save point in the adjacent room. In the Castle Prison head straight through the room where you first met Sylea; ignore the corridors on either side as you've been there before.
Go through and rescue Babik Nurn from his cell. Do this by going to the center platform and pressing a button when prompted. Now Babik Nurn is free from his cell and is under your charge. You need to keep the monsters away from him until you reach the outside and the boat. As soon as you unlock the cells, wrigglers will come out of the other cells.
For the rest of the walk back to the exit, you'll be faced with wrigglers as well. Once near the gate, Babik Nurn will go to the door and your gate scrolls will not work. Once outside, your gate scroll will bring you back to wherever inside Vanarhost's assuming castle that you last used the gate scroll. This can be a time-consuming and annoying thing. Once you get outside, you will not be able to re-enter the castle either. Make sure you have stocked up and retrieved any things that you have left near the shop before you leave that door.
Also, you will not have any chance to visit a store for a while so stock up on potions and other things here. Once through the door, you're on to the next level. Once through the door, lead Babik Nurn down the stairs and back up the stairs to the left. Follow the cliff until you reach the dock.
Talk to Bingham Viggs. He is glad that you killed the mammothants and says that there is hope for you yet. He knows you're looking for a boat to get you to the Pit of Ill Omen.
However, the only thing around there is the boat he has been building for Lord Vanarhost. He is scared of Vanarhost though. If he were protected, he might sell it to you. He hears that Melman Froes that keeps him and his daughter safe from vampires. You need to find the ruby and bring it back to him. This easily enough done. Head back down the dock and up the stairs. Bring it back to Bingham Viggs and get ready for the next section of the game! Once you buy the ship, Babik Nurn boards and you sail away.
As Bingham Viggs is seeing you off he mentions that it's the best ship he ever built; as long as you don't hit any storms you should be fine. It was a hidden world containing grasslands, islands, ice fields and a desert, bound together by mysterious gates. A ship sailed into the pit and met a huge storm. The ship was destroyed He says you're the only survivor that he has seen. He guesses you're after that big orc. He mentioned that that orc is in league with the slavers in order to take the slaves up to Blackdelve to serve as human undead.
He apparently hid here to get away from them. He says that the orc must have thought you dead as your ship was destroyed and wants to help you. The orc was heading south towards the caves on the other side of the island.
There is one of the portals that he uses to get around the pit there and Davel Grom thinks it shouldn't be guarded. The portals are all over the pit and connect the islands and other places.
The theory is that they're some sort of planar rope knot that is supposed to lead to some treasure - maybe even the Horn of Ill Omen..
People have been looking for it for a long time. He claims to know how to use the horn if it's ever found He offers to help you learn how to use it if you ever find it. He says the horn is supposed to have some kind of power over the planar barriers and he might be able to use it to help you get where you want to go - even home if you want. He says that some of the villagers might have some clues about where to find it - especially crazy old Lazlo.
However, Lazlo was captured when the orc and his slavers hit Water's Edge. He suggests you look for him using the portals. Go around the island until you see two rocks sticking up out of the water.
Go through them in the water and follow the shallow water bridge to the main area of Water's Edge. There is a save point and a portal here. As there is no way to sell your goods or purchase potions, drop anything unnecessary in a pile near the portal or save point. You can come back and get this stuff later. Go into the cave entrance and enter the Island Caves.
In the caves for this part of the game there are two types of creatures: Froglike creatures with tridents and smugglers - who are normal enemy types including magicians and fighters. This cave has only frog men until you reach a certain point. You will first be confronted by of the frog men.
They swim through the water and then pop up to confront you. They're not devastating but are stronger than most foes faced up to this point. Follow the cave until you come to a point at which your progress will be automatically saved. Move into the chamber and see talk to a captive Rondo, triggering a cutscene. His is bound and is trying to tell you something. He works his gag free in time to tell you that it's a trap!
You need to save Rondo from the Dark Elf! Kill all of the ambushers and talk to Rondo again. He has been conscripted to help the slavers and wants you to save his brother Lazlo. He shows you a portal to the western island. He says to meet him back at Water's Edge at his store that he is going to restock from the goods he found in the slavers cave.
Go to the damaged portal it will only send you in one direction and transport to the Western Island. You only need to walk near it to be automatically transported. Kill them and move along the path defined by the foliage.
There will be a few more frog men but after that you will emerge at the ocean's edge. There is a small spit of land bounded by several rock pillars and a few frog men.
If you go towards it, you will be told that you cannot breathe underwater. It's narrow and easy to miss but is up above the beach and bounded by rock on the left and foliage on the right. Follow this path along the beach until you reach another spit of land.
You'll trigger an automatic cutscene with a mermaid Kerriel. She chats with you about the rigors of being a mermaid and how boring it is. She mentions that she came up here looking for a conch shell. If you can find one for her, she'll reward you. Turn around degrees from her and head to the portal. There will be several frog men attacking you at this point so you can either kill them or it is easy to just transport to the other island.
Go back toward the save point and talk to Rondo Blackwright. He has set up his store and is back in business. You can sell or buy items for him for the next phase of the game. Now you can sell the items you have acquired and also the items you left in a pile near the portal. Take the portal back to hidden shore. Follow the path away from the shore killing the frog men as you go. Once you see the path ending on the map a cave entrance indicator , turn around and go in the other direction, use a gate scroll to get back to the store and save.
The miniboss coming up is one of the hardest in the game or at least was for me and there is a good chance you'll die fighting him.
You don't want to have to kill all of those frog men every time. It's already tedious enough that you have to traverse the entire path. Miniboss: Seagorn [May be a different name] This guy is really hard. He is really strong, can absorb a lot of damage and has a devastating club attack. Fortunately he's really slow. Your best bet is to use his large size and lack of access to small places against him.
Then you can hit him while he is vulnerable and his AI is confused about the best route to take to get to you. It goes without saying but do NOT get hit by him. Two hits will always kill you. You can tempt him into the open and wait for him to telegraph that he is about to swing his club. As soon as he does this, move laterally toward his non-club side his left, your right and swing around his side. He will miss you and you will have the opportunity for a hit or two.
Don't get greedy as he'll pivot and hit you. Try to play him to his left side and keep away from the club. Also, if you get low on life, go back into the little rock islands and keep him busy chasing you while your health potion refills you. It really helps to have your weapon equipped with some enhancements that will stun him after you hit him.
Specifically poison is a good one. Make sure to keep one such enhancement ready for the final boss not for a long while because it really helps in that battle. Once Seagorn is dead, go into the cave. Work through the caves fighting the frogmen and exit to the Western Island. He doesn't want you to get close to him.
He thinks you're to blame for his recent suffering. Though you offer to get him out, he declines. He has no reason to leave as the island is crawling with slavers. You ask if he's seen a man named Lazlo and he mentions that this cage used to belong to some crazy human that ran around in chains. The slavers were really interested in asking him questions but got weird answers for their trouble. He thinks they got tired of his his bizarre answers and sent him through a portal He supposes that the human is still alive.
He says you're not getting him out of there because he can still smell slavers on this island and won't budge until they're gone. Your new task is to rid the island of all 58 slavers. Going past Babik Nurn, three or four slavers will meet you immediately. Kill them and collect the loot from the chests small tent-like things in this area.
Proceed on to a portal. Past the portal there will be 4 or so slavers. There will be chests scattered along the coast here in the form of large shells. At the shore, turn right and go along the shore looking for them. You'll reach a dead end with some shell chests here.
Be careful opening them as one of them is usually booby-trapped. Once those chests have been opened, go back along the seashore in the opposite direction left from where you originally came to the seashore. Follow the shoreline and try to explore all of the areas. Don't leave any gray unexplored area between shore and inland island vegetation. At this point, there should be 50 slavers remaining. As you round the corner of the island, more slavers 5 will meet you outside the entrance to a cave.
Go inside the cave and deal with the frog people and slavers inside. After you clear out the slavers in the cave, you should have 36 slavers remaining. If you reenter this cave, you will get a dialogue telling you that the cave is clean and that you need to check the island for more slavers. After exiting the cave, there will be a larger space. Explore it thoroughly as there will be multiple sets of slavers and chests here. Make sure that you've explored this area fully as it's easy to miss a chest or a slaver.
Round the next corner of the island with 25 slavers remaining. At this point, head left inland into the island and follow the path. There will be slavers here and eventually the entrance to another cave. By the time you get to the cave, you should receive a dialogue message that the island is clean and that the slavers are in the caves.
At this point, there are 12 slavers remaining. If you don't get this dialogue, go past the cave entrance and look for slavers. Until you get this dialogue, I would not go into the cave. However, it doesn't really matter as you'll need to find all of the slavers eventually. Enter the Island Caves and kill the waiting slavers.
Proceed further into the cave and clean it of all slavers. Once all the slavers on the island are dead, go back to Babik Nurn and talk to him. He is at the beginning of this level so just follow the seashore back in the opposite direction and when it ends, turn inland to find his cage.
To skip the long walk back, you can gate back to the shop and then use the portal to go back to the one near Babik Nurn. He says that he's going to go rest at the island you washed up on.
He's ready for a nice vacation. He has found a cell key in the cage that may be important if you wind up meeting Lazlo. He also says to meet him back on the island when you get back.
Go back to Water's Edge. You'll be treated to a cutscene of Babik heading across a dock onto a small adjoining island with a few shell chests. Once you have finished your business with the shop and whatnot, meet him there.
This dock is on the left side of the island if you're facing in the same direction as you came onto it If the line from the save point to portal points "up". Go out onto the island and clean out the shell-chests. Talk to Babik Nurn and he will give you a beautiful conch shell. She'll ask you if you will give her the conch shell. Give it to her no other option and she'll reward you with a sea blessing.
It'll allow you to breathe water like as air as long as you're in the pit. Go back along the narrow seaside path to the right facing away from the water and go into the area into the underwater cave, an area into which you previously were unable to enter.
Go through the caves fighting undead until you reach a room with a damaged portal. Do not approach it yet as it will automatically transport you once you're close. If you wan to maximize experience and gold, clearing out the rest of the cave should be done before you proceed.
This cave is randomly generated with many long offshoots and arms. Explore all of these as there is often some good treasure to be had. Finally go back to the damaged portal and be transported automatically. This area is a huge very roughly circular open space filled with scorpions and bandit groups. In the middle is a structure that you are unable to enter yet.
If the area were a clock and you entered at 6 o' clock, there is a portal at 5 and a the entrance to the temple at 3. As in all areas of this game, it's best to kill as many enemies as possible in order to increase your experience level. This means clearing out the desert wasteland. The following is a good strategy to clear out the desert but is unnecessary for game progression.
To progress in the fastest way possible, simply turn right, go past the save point to the damaged portal. However, the experience and treasure you can gain from fighting the creatures here is worth the extra time.
Work around the wall in a clockwise manner turn left from where you enter the area. As you go, keep an eye on your map. The area unexplored is dark and the explored area is white. Try to paint white as efficiently as possible and leave no area dark.
Once you get to the damaged portal, keep going in the clockwise direction, passing the save point until you reach the place where you entered the area. Then move inwards and fill in the middle with white. In the very middle is a closed temple. Once you have killed all of the enemies in the central area, move to the damaged portal and follow the path to the entrance to the Mormaz's Temple. Kill the wizards first and as fast as possible. They have the annoying habit of reincarnating each other.
Just keep killing them as fast as you can, not giving them the chance to reincarnate each other or teleport to a safe distance. Island of Knives According to whatever information you can get out of Davel Grom, Pelys seems to be running some sort of slave business across several realms, including the Pit of Ill Omen. The town close by, Water's Edge, is now deserted as a result, and Davel here is just hiding out. He also tells you that if you can bring him an artifact known as the Horn of Ill Omen, he can help warp you to wherever you need to go.
Some guy called Lazlo may know more about where it's located, so you should find him. This is the "Find Lazlo" objective. There is a path connecting Davel's hideout with Water's Edge, but it's covered in shallow water, so you'll have to walk into the ocean a bit to find it. Davel believes Pelys is using some portals to get around the islands, so you should check out the town to find these portals. This is the "Explore the Island" objective. As Davel said, the entire place is void of people. There won't be a shopkeeper until later, so if you have too much to carry, just leave them near the Save Stone.
Feel free to explore the island for breakable barrels and other items. You can even walk up into the neat little watchtowers. There is also an islet that can be reached via a lengthy wooden pier. The chests here take the form of large sea shells. And don't ask why you can find weapons and other heavy items inside of them.
When you're ready, go into the cave at the center of Water's Edge. The trident-wielding troglodytes only have melee attacks and aren't anything you can't handle.
Also search every corner for chests. At one end of this cave, you'll enter a large room where some beaten-up prisoner tells you to look out. Several slavers carrying large, dull swords will ambush you. A single slaver is easy to beat, but if several of them surround you at once, they can quickly ass-rape you. After slaughtering all the slavers, the prisoner will introduce himself as Rondo Blackwright, a shopkeeper.
He doesn't know about the Horn of Ill Omen anymore than you do, so you should find his brother, Lazlo Blackwright, for more information. By freeing Rondo, you also have a shopkeeper to sell your unused items to. His store is located near the Save Stone back at Water's Edge.
In the same room with the slaver ambush, there's a broken Portal Stone. Unlike the regular ones you've been using so far, this portal will automatically warp you to a predetermined area as soon as you near it.
Hidden Shores Thinking the broken Portal Stone back in the cave would scatter your body parts across different continents and eras? Well, luckily for you, you only wind up in the middle of an island. Follow the path between the vegetation, killing any troglodytes who get in your way. Somewhere along the road you will find a flooded cave. You can't explore it now, unless you want to emerge with bloated lungs, but remember where it is because you'll need to return to it later.
Continue onwards and get out to the beach. You will need to take some of the narrow paths between the sand and the trees to go on. Sunbathing on a rock at one part of the beaches is Kerriel, a mermaid. She asks you to help find a conch shell for her. This is the "Find a Conch Shell" objective. You wonder that conch shells would be pretty damn common at a place like this, but there are none here.
There is, however, a Portal Stone deeper into the middle of this island. Fight through more enemies to get to the cave entrance at the island center. You will find a giant miniboss, who has some powerful melee attacks. He is pretty slow, though, so you can lure him out to a spot with a large rock and then run circles around the rock. While he follows you like a moron, you can hit him with ranged weapons. If you're playing with friends, they can even stay to the sides and blast the giant while he chases you around the rock.
After killing him and taking the equipment he drops, go into the cave. Tropical Cave - Hidden Shores to Western Island This cave is similar to the other one, but now there are large bugs in addition to the usual troglodytes.
None of them here are tough to kill. Remember to look for chests, and get to the exit at the other end of this cave. Western Island It turns out Babik Nurn didn't die in the storm after all. He's inside a cage you'll come across shortly after emerging on this island, with a Portal Stone not far away. Because he's a wussy, Babik won't come out until you waste all the slavers on this island. Better start looking for those slavers. There are roughly 60 slavers scattered across the entire island, including those inside the two deadend caves.
A counter at the top of the screen will tell you how many are left. If you have trouble locating the caves, check your map for the gray markers.
The slavers consist of both fighters and magic users who can cast some disease spells. They also have several troglodyte buddies, but these troglodytes do not count as slavers you absolutely need to kill.
As you search the island for the slavers, don't forget to look for chests and breakable wooden objects. If you check the sides of the beaches, you might even find a secret alcove that contains lots of chests. Once all the slavers are dead, return to Babik in his cage. He'll give you a cell key, and then he'll return to Water's Edge. Use the Portal Stone nearby and follow him.
Water's Edge Revisited After being freed, Babik will head over to the islet that can be reached by crossing the lengthy pier. Talk to him there, and he'll give you a conch shell that he has scooped up from the sand. While he enjoys his little vacation, you should bring the conch shell to Kerriel at the Hidden Shores. You can use the Portal Stone to get there quickly. As Davel said, the entire place is void of people. After slaughtering all the slavers, the prisoner will introduce himself as Rondo Blackwright, a shopkeeper.
By freeing Rondo, you also have a shopkeeper to sell your unused items to. The game features co-op with up to 4 people, both online and offline. Champions of Norrath: Realms of Everquest was an action-roleplaying game released in for the PlayStation 2.
Apple, maker of the iPhone, says it considers jailbreaking the iOS, its operating system, not only a violation of their terms and conditions of use, but also a practice that exposes a phone to a host of risks. Where to take the Horn of Ill Omen? Where is the conch shell in Champions of Norrath? Can you dual wield in Champions of Norrath?